Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Broken Clock - Major Section Update

This update is in honour of the announced english localisation of Tales of Graces! Three cheers in joy! :D


The menu bar for the site has been changed to include a direct link to the Tales subcategory, since it's grown so exponentially large in a very short time that I felt it deserved its own title (even though I've yet to extricate it from the 'extras' subcat).

The Tales of section is completely up-to-date with pictures with the sole exception of Settei scans, since those will take a considerable amount of time due to the number of pages there are to go through, pick from and scan. I'm expecting a lonely two more Tales figures (Altair Flynn statue and Repede's Yuri plush) before I pick up a box of Abyss PPP and Phantasia One-Coins, and then I'll be temporarily finished with this collection until I can find the Repede plush keychain and the blastia pendant from the film (a major want for me -- will sell soul for) and Kotobukiya inevitably announces Graces One-Coins.

Minor updates have also been made to the Pokedolls section. ((Click to read more...))